Where life-long learning begins
young and extends throughout one's career.
Aggie Square creates new opportunities by co-locating the resources of UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education with a comprehensive network of partners and programs dedicated to training for the next generation economy. We will create a setting where public organizations and private employers join UC Davis in Aggie Square to build customized training and education programs from "cradle to career." As Sacramento emerges as a leader in economic growth, workers from our own community will be ready to step into home-grown jobs.
Your Opportunity to Shape the Future
UC Davis and Aggie Square partners will convene a summit of the region’s leading experts in youth and career development, workforce training and lifelong learning to identify partnership opportunities unique to this singular environment. Participate in the process, share your ideas and learn more about the convergence of university, industry and community by contacting the team at aggiesquare@ucdavis.edu.