Youth Listening Session Recap

On March 20, the Sacramento Youth Commission’s Aggie Square subcommittee led a youth listening session with area students at West Campus High School. Twenty five students attended. After a welcome from Michael Benjamin II, Vice Mayor Caity Maple’s district director and Travis Sheridan, Wexford Science + Technology’s Chief Community Officer, the commissioners led an ice breaker and small group discussions to gather feedback about the types of programs and amenities students would like to see at Aggie Square. The conversations were lively, and each group shared their ideas with the whole audience. This important feedback will inform the development of programming that begins in 2025 when Aggie Square opens its doors. Students received 90 minutes of community service credit for attending. If you or a young person you know is interested in participating, the next youth listening session led by the Sacramento Youth Commission is scheduled for Thursday, October 23. Location and sign-up details will be shared in the Aggie Square newsletter.