Image of a classroom with individuals at modular table looking at screens.

August Community Meeting Recap

Missed the Meeting? Download the Presentation or Sign Up for a Tour!

On August 17, UC Davis, the City of Sacramento and Wexford Science + Technology hosted the latest quarterly Aggie Square Community Engagement Meeting. The meeting included an Aggie Square overview, a walking tour of the exterior of the buildings and a question and answer session. The slides are available here. 66 attendees joined us for this information evening.

In response to strong community interest, we are happy to offer additional walking tours for those who were unable to join us last month.

  • Saturday, September 23, 10 a.m.
  • Thursday, September 28, 6 p.m.

Space is limited so register here. If these tours fill, we will offer additional times. Please complete the registration form to indicate interest.  We hope to see you there.

Download the updated August meeting slides


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