Sacramento Youth Commission Talks Aggie Square
In May, current and future leaders with inquisitive minds between the ages of 14-24 were invited to join a conversation about what Aggie Square might become. This meeting of about 40 students was a result of the Community Benefits Partnership Agreement, where youth opportunities are among the goals.
Although the project won’t open its doors for a few more years, the Sacramento Youth Commission directed conversations with area youth that involved helping them see themselves as part of the process.

For example, after hearing a presentation on what buildings would be part of Aggie Square, one activity focused on having the students imagine themselves as the "developers" where they would discuss "what kinds of programs or resources would you provide for Sacramento youth within each building?" The groups discussed their ideas and shared among all the students.
Other parts of the presentation consisted of learning more about future programs and how people can participate; shaping programs that will mean the most to you; and helping guide how youth use this regional resource.